Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Frank, Anne. (1999). Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. New York: Bantam Books.

Annotation: At thirteen, Anne Frank and her family must go in to hiding – as they can not be Jews living in Holland with the war going on. They find shelter in the “Secret Annexe” and Anne reveals to us her most intimate thoughts and moments through the 25 months she spends in the “Secret Annexe” with her family, the Van Daan’s and Mr. Dussel.

Justification for Nomination: This book was so raw and real. There is something amazing to me about reading an autobiography – this is not made up stuff. A real person really lived and felt this. How cool.

Anne Frank’s diary has been translated into 30 languages and made into a motion picture. I think this speaks volumes about the importance of this book.

Anne stays so positive throughout the whole time she is in hiding. I think this can be inspirational to teens. No matter who was fighting or what rotten food they had to eat that night, Anne always tried to have a positive spirit about it all.

Anne's style of writing is incredibly deep for a young teenager, but it is still easy to read and follow. You get sucked in as you feel like you are really there hiding with her in the Annexe.

Genre: Autobiography

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